College Of Transport Logistics.

The best job Oriented Qualification in KZN

  • Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  • 343 Anton Lembede street SA Perm Building, 5th floor Suite 509, Durban 4001

About image
College of Transport logistics (PTY) LTD intends to provides business learning interventions to employees with in the transport sector industry in order to empower  the individual, and improve quality service delievery within a company.

Our Mission
To inspire lifelong leaning to encourage advancement, knowledge and creativity by empowering young south Africans to become productive members of civil society within the international environment

To educate young matriculants in the international trade industries to better the economic and financial growth of South Africa.

Our values
college of transport logistics is committed to generate quality teaching and learning within the international tarde sectors so that the joys and fulfillment of expanding knowledge give rise to responsible, educated indivisual who bring to their live and the lives of others creativity, sustanability and a better South Africa.
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